

Effectively treating your tinnitus or hearing loss is an investment in your health, wellness, and happiness. The federal government recently passed new rules regarding OTC (Over-The-Counter) hearing aids, and this legislation will increase the number of options available. Numerous concerns exist about the efficacy of these new devices without the benefit of essential medical direction. We are here to ensure that you spend your money wisely and help you make the right decision. When you come in for an evaluation, we can make a diagnosis, give our recommendation for care with cost estimates, explain financing options, and help you understand your insurance benefit.

Financing for Tinnitus and Hearing Aids

We have restructured our pricing and financing for tinnitus and hearing aids to accommodate any budget. Today, help is more affordable than ever before.

While credit approval is necessary, we offer tinnitus treatment plans starting at $149 per month, and hearing aids with all audiology services included starting at $109 per month.


CareCredit®, a trusted financing partner of Sound Relief Hearing Center, offers a range of affordable plans for tinnitus treatment and hearing aids. You can also use CareCredit to cover items such as insurance deductibles or co-pays. Contact us or visit the CareCredit website for more information and to apply for this healthcare credit card.