Category: General
Is Tinnitus Linked to Any Medical Conditions?
Tinnitus affects almost 50 million Americans every year. Because it is such a common hearing condition, it’s not surprising to learn that it has many different potential causes. From exposure to loud noises to aging, there are many different reasons you might be experiencing tinnitus.
Different Ways People Experience Tinnitus
Tinnitus is unique to every individual. Even though two people may describe their tinnitus similarly, such as a high-pitched ringing, they may still perceive this sound very differently.
How is Hearing Loss Tested and Measured?
Hearing loss is incredibly common and will affect nearly all people, to some extent. In fact, on average, we lose about 0.5 percent of our ability to hear per year. This means that, typically, the average person will only hear about 80 percent as well as they were able to 40 years ago.
6 Causes of Hyperacusis
Hyperacusis is a relatively rare hearing disorder that amplifies the everyday sounds around you. While not life-threatening, hyperacusis can make life complicated, strain social relationships, impede your work, and add unneeded stress to the activities you enjoy and love. If you think taking off in an airplane, attending a concert, or cheering on your favorite sports team can be loud, imagine trying to do any of these things while suffering from hyperacusis. This is the daily reality for many people.
Becoming an Audiologist: Everything You Need to Know
Currently, there are about 16,000 licensed audiologists in the United States. Audiology is a growing field that is also very dynamic. Audiologists, generally speaking, are responsible for helping people with hearing issues and other conditions related to the ear.
Audiologist vs ENT vs Physician: What’s the Difference?
If you’re suffering from hearing or balance issues you may be confused about where to turn for help. In this guide, you’ll discover the difference between an Audiologist and ENT, and when to visit one.