Category: General
Hearing Aid Maintenance 101
If you or someone in your life wears hearing aids, it’s essential that you understand how to properly maintain them. Hearing aids don’t require a lot of upkeep, but it is important to care for and protect your devices. Proper hearing aid maintenance will help you to extend their lifespan, prevent breakdowns, and avoid repairs.
Treating Swimmer’s Ear
Earlier this month the USA cheered on Michael Phelps, Katie Ledecky, and many other swimming stars in the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, so now feels like the perfect time to discuss an aural issue that often affects swimmers: otitis externa. Fittingly known as “swimmer’s ear,” otitis externa is an infection of the outer ear canal. Treating swimmer’s ear is simple, but that doesn’t mean the condition isn’t unpleasant or serious. Learn more about the causes and symptoms below, but be sure to call your audiologist straight away if you believe you have swimmer’s ear.
How Hearing Works
If you have never suffered from auditory issues like tinnitus or hearing loss, it is easy to take your hearing for granted. The hearing process is incredibly complex and relies upon numerous, minuscule parts. When your outer ear picks up a sound, an elaborate operation occurs so that the sound can be translated into information by the brain. Do you know how hearing works?