
Apple AirPods Pro 2 Hearing Aid Functionality: Truth vs. Hype
Apple AirPods Pro 2 Hearing Aid Functionality: Truth vs. Hype

As you might expect, there’s been a lot of buzz surrounding the AirPods Pro 2 and their new features, including the hearing test through Apple’s Health App and the hearing aid-like functionalities. While we will cover the Health App’s hearing test in another review, for now, let’s focus on their potential use as hearing aids. Apple has revolutionized smartphones, tablets, and even the way we think about health with their technology – but can the AirPods Pro 2 revolutionize hearing care, too? In this blog post, we will explore their hearing aid-like features, what they do well, and how they compare to prescription hearing aids. Apple also deserves credit for raising awareness about hearing health. Their efforts to address hearing loss, hearing testing, and safe noise exposure levels are a huge step in the right direction. Making these tools and information accessible to millions of Apple users is commendable, and it’s exciting to see hearing health becoming part of everyday conversations.

Better Communication Tips
Better Communication Tips

Fall is here and holiday gatherings are right around the corner. As family gatherings, Friendsgiving and office Christmas parties commence, hearing in crowds can be challenging, anxiety-producing and downright frustrating. In addition to using hearing technology, these effective communication strategies can turn a social gathering from isolating to enjoyable by giving you as many listening advantages as possible. Share these better communication tips with your loved ones so they can help keep the conversation flowing.

Upgrading Hearing Technology
Upgrading Hearing Technology

When and why should I consider upgrading my hearing technology?

If your hearing has changed and the hearing technology has improved to a point where you can benefit from it, you should consider upgrading hearing technology.

Schedule an appointment here for a hearing test to see if your hearing has changed and possibly test-drive new hearing technology to see if it can benefit you.

Tinnitus and Hearing Discounts for our Heros
Tinnitus and Hearing Discounts for our Heros

At Sound Relief Tinnitus & Hearing Center, we believe in recognizing and appreciating the heroes who selflessly serve our communities and nation. We understand that active and retired military personnel and first responders often encounter unique challenges that can lead to unresolved hearing issues such as tinnitus, sensitivity to sound, or hearing loss. These heroes put their lives on the line and devote themselves to our well-being, and we want to show our gratitude. We offer a 9.11% discount on all devices to help address their needs.

Can Hearing Aids Reduce the Risk of Dementia?
Can Hearing Aids Reduce the Risk of Dementia?

A recent study has indicated that individuals with untreated hearing loss may be more at risk of dementia when compared to those without hearing loss. The study, published in The Lancet Public Health journal on April 13, is the largest of its kind, comprising 437,704 individuals, and is the most compelling evidence to date of this connection. However, there is some hope. The findings also suggest that early detection of hearing loss and treatment with hearing aids can eliminate this increased risk to improve longevity.

Ototoxic Drugs That May Cause Tinnitus or Hearing Loss
Ototoxic Drugs That May Cause Tinnitus or Hearing Loss

What medications can cause hearing loss or tinnitus? Quite a few. Believe it or not, but more than 600 medications can cause tinnitus, hearing loss, or balance problems. These ototoxic drugs include over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications.

Are Hearing Aids Tax Deductible?
Are Hearing Aids Tax Deductible?

Currently, about 10 million Americans have hearing aids or a related hearing device. Hearing aids are remarkably useful for treating hearing loss, especially since there is no cure for sensorineural hearing loss.

Do Hearing Aids Help With Tinnitus?
Do Hearing Aids Help With Tinnitus?

In certain cases, hearing aids have been shown to help reduce tinnitus. According to a study conducted by Sergei Kochkin (Ph.D.) and Richard Tyler (Ph.D.), 60% of 230 surveyed patients experienced some relief from their tinnitus through the use of hearing aids alone. These devices are most effective when used in conjunction with Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) to assist in the management and control of tinnitus. In this article, we will cover how the use of hearing aids can help manage tinnitus.

9 Features in Today’s Hearing Aids You Wouldn’t Find Twenty Years Ago
9 Features in Today’s Hearing Aids You Wouldn’t Find Twenty Years Ago

There is no denying that over the past few decades, the technologies we use in our everyday lives has been rapidly changing. Many of these changes revolve around the use of smartphones, smart homes, and other “smart” systems, but developments in industries such as audiology have often gone overlooked by the general public.

Insurance for Tinnitus and Hearing Aids
Insurance for Tinnitus and Hearing Aids

We understand how confusing insurance can be. It is for all of us – especially when dealing with reimbursement for tinnitus and/or hearing services! These challenges are not for everyone, but we are here to help you get the most out of your benefits. We have a dedicated insurance team to help navigate and determine insurance for tinnitus and hearing aids.

How to Make Your Hearing Aids Last
How to Make Your Hearing Aids Last

In this guide, you’ll learn 4 ways to make your hearing aids last longer. Hearing aids offer serious benefits, but they’re also a serious investment. It makes sense that you wouldn’t want to pay for a new pair every year. Not sure how to make your devices last? While hearing aids have a fairly long life span – between three and five years, depending on the kind of hearing aid you use – there are several things you can do to get the most bang for your buck.

The Zinc Air Battery
The Zinc Air Battery

Once upon a time, computers had footprints the size of warehouses. Now, machines that are far more powerful than their predecessors fit easily in the palm of your hand and allow you to do everything from making a phone call to taking a picture to surfing the internet. As technology has gotten smaller, more portable, and more entrenched in people’s daily lives, the demand for batteries that are both small and powerful has exploded. The zinc air battery fits the need for petite and powerful products perfectly.

Rechargeable Hearing Aid Batteries
Rechargeable Hearing Aid Batteries

Using hearing aids to better hear the world around you can improve your quality of life immensely, so it’s no wonder that people who routinely wear these devices want to keep them working smoothly. The battery powering a hearing aid will influence its performance, and there are various batteries to choose from. Are rechargeable hearing aid batteries a good choice for you?

Hearing Aid Maintenance 101
Hearing Aid Maintenance 101

If you or someone in your life wears hearing aids, it’s essential that you understand how to properly maintain them. Hearing aids don’t require a lot of upkeep, but it is important to care for and protect your devices. Proper hearing aid maintenance will help you to extend their lifespan, prevent breakdowns, and avoid repairs. 

Hearing Aid Myths Debunked
Hearing Aid Myths Debunked

Did you know that about 20 percent of Americans experience hearing loss? That’s over 48 million people! Hearing loss affects people of all ages. Depending on the cause, it may be minor or severe, temporary, or permanent. Unfortunately, many people who suffer from hearing loss don’t seek treatment because they’ve heard some harmful hearing aid myths. So if you’ve been hemming and hawing, wondering if you should contact an audiologist or not, take a look at our list of hearing aid myths below. The truth may surprise you.

Treatment Options for Single-Sided Deafness
Treatment Options for Single-Sided Deafness

Ears come in pairs. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that hearing conditions come in twos as well. When it comes to single-sided deafness (SSD), that’s a good thing. SSD, also referred to as “dead ear,” is a condition in which a person has lost total hearing in one ear. In the other ear, the person may have anywhere from normal hearing to severe hearing loss. Treatment options for single-sided deafness often involve using your “good” ear to help correct the “dead” ear.

Types of Hearing Aids
Types of Hearing Aids

Although we’re lucky to have access to excellent auditory technology these days, the selection can be overwhelming. Whether you’re new to the world of hearing aids or looking for an update, take some time to explore your options. Amongst the many types of hearing aids available, you will find several different styles and sizes, and the devices also differ in placement and degree of amplification. With the help of an audiologist, you can locate the right device for your specific situation.

State-of-the-Art Hearing Aids Connect to the Internet
State-of-the-Art Hearing Aids Connect to the Internet

Dr. Julie recently attended a product release in Orlando introducing Oticon’s groundbreaking Opn™ device. This state-of-the-art hearing aid helps people with hearing loss hear better with less effort and better recall so that users can retain more of what is said. It expertly manages multiple noise and speech sources as well, so users don’t have to work as hard to understand speech. This is especially useful in challenging listening situations like restaurants.