Category: Hearing Aids

Treatment Options for Single-Sided Deafness

Ears come in pairs. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that hearing conditions come in twos as well. When it comes to single-sided deafness (SSD), that’s a good thing. SSD, also referred to as “dead ear,” is a condition in which a person has lost total hearing in one ear. In the other ear, the person may have anywhere from normal hearing to severe hearing loss. Treatment options for single-sided deafness often involve using your “good” ear to help correct the “dead” ear.

Types of Hearing Aids

Although we're lucky to have access to excellent auditory technology these days, the selection can be overwhelming. Whether you're new to the world of hearing aids or looking for an update, take some time to explore your options. Amongst the many types of hearing aids available, you will find several different styles and sizes, and the devices also differ in placement and degree of amplification. With the help of an audiologist, you can locate the right device for your specific situation.

State-of-the-Art Hearing Aids Connect to the Internet

Dr. Julie recently attended a product release in Orlando introducing Oticon’s groundbreaking Opn™ device. This state-of-the-art hearing aid helps people with hearing loss hear better with less effort and better recall so that users can retain more of what is said. It expertly manages multiple noise and speech sources as well, so users don’t have to work as hard to understand speech. This is especially useful in challenging listening situations like restaurants.