Category: Hearing Loss
Middle-Age Hearing Loss and Dementia
Approaching your golden years can be a joy, but unfortunately, it may also come with some frustrating health issues, such as hearing loss and dementia.
Cognitive Brain Training and How It Relates to Hearing Health
After graduating from school, you might have cheerfully said goodbye to homework and tests, but we hope you haven’t used that as an excuse to let your brain go idle. The importance of physical fitness is well documented and much discussed, but brain exercises are often overlooked. While it’s true that many programs that claim to improve your brain’s performance are ineffectual, there are a few forms of cognitive brain training that have passed muster. Scroll down to learn about one of these programs, and consider how strengthening your brain might also benefit your hearing health. Cognitive Brain Training Unfortunately, cognitive brain training is often ineffective. Without a proper explanation of how brain training works and the right guidance over ... Read more
Smoking and Hearing Loss
Did you know that smokers are 70 percent more likely to develop hearing loss than nonsmokers? Yet despite this correlation and the many harmful side effects associated with smoking cigarettes, 40 million U.S. adults still smoke. Explore the relationship between smoking and hearing loss to better understand why cigarettes are able to impact the health and function of your auditory system. There have been many studies conducted that conclude the link between smoking and potential hearing loss. In fact, current smokers have a 15.1 percent increased chance of hearing loss, however, there is a higher chance associated with heavier smokers than lighter smokers. For example: 10 cigarettes per day: 40% more likely to develop some high-frequency hearing loss and 10% more ... Read more
Hearing Loss and Heart Disease
Heart disease is one of the most common killers in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease kills about 610,000 people in the U.S. every year – making it the cause of roughly one in four deaths. Over the years, you’ve probably heard some tips for maintaining and improving your heart health – things like regularly exercising, quitting smoking, and eating a healthy diet. However, there is one aspect of heart health that often goes unrecognized: the correlation between hearing loss and heart disease. Understanding the Link Between Hearing Loss and Heart Disease There is an increasingly strong case for a connection between your hearing and heart health. First, while the ear ... Read more
Cancer Treatment and Hearing Loss
If you or a loved one are in the midst of cancer treatment, you are likely familiar with some of the side effects. One of the lesser-known side effects can be one of the most difficult to treat: hearing loss. According to, a variety of cancers and cancer treatments can, unfortunately, cause hearing problems like hearing loss, tinnitus, and, in some cases, permanent ear damage. Learn about the connection between cancer treatment and hearing loss, and make sure to keep your healthcare provider in the loop if you experience hearing issues during or after cancer treatment. Before you begin a cancer treatment, ask your doctor if that specific treatment is known to cause hearing loss. If it is, talk ... Read more
Adventures with Hidden Hearing Loss
By Dr. Tony Kovacs, Au.D. Have you ever been to a restaurant with family or friends and noticed your guests are having an easier time understanding the conversation? Have you found yourself leaning in to try to join the conversation, only to be left scratching your head? Hi, I’m Dr. Tony Kovacs, Sound Relief Audiologist in beautiful Fort Collins, Colorado. This restaurant scenario was exactly my experience every time I was in a noisy environment. I concluded that I must have a hearing loss. What other possibilities could there be? Though frustrated with my limited ability to understand my friends and family, I certainly wasn’t shocked because I’d been spending many years mistreating my ears. Before deciding to pursue my ... Read more