Category: Hearing Loss

Hearing Health Tips for Back-to-School Season

Fleets of school buses have taken to the streets. Kids are rocking new threads. The crispness of fall is beginning to creep into the air. It’s official: Back-to-school season is here. In the frenzy of returning to school, it’s easy to forget about your personal health. And staying healthy during the school year goes far beyond getting a flu shot – you also need to look after your ears. While protecting your hearing might not be at the top of your to-do list, maintaining your hearing is a lifelong job. Read on for some back-to-school hearing health tips. Prevent Hearing Loss Before It Happens Hearing loss isn’t just a concern for older individuals. Young people can cause irreversible damage to ... Read more

Why Do My Ears Feel Clogged?

Do your ears feel stuffy and clogged? Are you suffering from sudden hearing loss or difficulty hearing? From impacted earwax to a sinus infection, clogged ears are major nuisances. Fortunately, there’s likely an easy fix. So scroll down for some answers if you’ve been wondering, “Why do my ears feel clogged?” Impacted Earwax It might seem strange and unpleasant, but earwax is actually a very useful mechanism that your body produces to protect your ears. The stickiness of earwax works to trap dirt, dust, and other pollutants, keeping your ears safe and clean. However, one of the most common reasons behind clogged ears is a buildup of earwax (or cerumen). According to the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, ... Read more

The Link Between Migraines and Hearing Loss

For some, a migraine starts with mental and physical warning signs: tiredness, mood changes, craving sweet foods, feeling thirsty, a stiff neck, etc. For others, it begins with a visual aura or nausea. Then comes the notorious pain and pounding sensation in the head. If you’re a migraine sufferer, you’re probably familiar with your own stages of a migraine, but do you know about the link between migraines and hearing loss? Educate yourself on how migraines can permanently impact your hearing, and contact your doctor or audiologist to get treated today.

The Link Between Oral Health and Hearing Loss

Learning that your hearing health is excellent may make you smile, but did you know that your oral health can actually influence your ability to hear? Tooth decay and gum disease are caused by pathogenic bacteria, which can enter the bloodstream and threaten a person’s overall health.

The Impact of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus on Relationships

While hearing loss can make you feel alone in the world, many people understand exactly what you’re going through – about 20 percent of Americans report some degree of hearing loss. Although you experience it alone, your hearing loss can affect all of your relationships. At Sound Relief we have found that when someone in the family has hearing loss, the whole family has a hearing problem. Don’t underestimate the impact of hearing loss on your spouse or partner. Oftentimes, both halves of a couple will report frustration, a sense of isolation, and resentment toward their partner when hearing loss is left untreated. These negative ramifications can also occur when one half of a couple suffers from tinnitus or ringing ... Read more

List of Ototoxic Medications That May Cause Tinnitus or Hearing Loss

There are more than 600 prescription and over-the-counter drugs that can trigger tinnitus, make existing tinnitus worse, or cause a new tinnitus sound to appear. In fact, most drug classes have tinnitus-causing drugs sprinkled throughout. For example, antibiotics, painkillers, anti-anxiety, and anti-depression drugs, antimalarial medications, anti-cancer drugs, and blood pressure-controlling medications – to name a few – can all trigger tinnitus.