Category: Hearing Loss

Treatment Options for Single-Sided Deafness

Ears come in pairs. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that hearing conditions come in twos as well. When it comes to single-sided deafness (SSD), that’s a good thing. SSD, also referred to as “dead ear,” is a condition in which a person has lost total hearing in one ear. In the other ear, the person may have anywhere from normal hearing to severe hearing loss. Treatment options for single-sided deafness often involve using your “good” ear to help correct the “dead” ear.

Stem Cells and Hearing Loss

Stem cells have an extraordinary power: the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to give rise to specialized cells. Countless research studies have focused on stem cells and the many conditions that could potentially be treated using them, which has led audiologists to wonder about the relationship between stem cells and hearing loss. Do stem cells hold the key to a cure for hearing loss or tinnitus?

The Stigma of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is completely natural, especially as we age. Unfortunately, in our society, there’s also a stigma attached to hearing loss, perpetrated by advertisers, the public, and even those with hearing loss themselves.

Sound Deprivation Leads to Irreversible Hearing Loss

Although some factors that account for hearing loss cannot be avoided, like family history, disease, and the aging process, others are directly related to a person's choices. For example, noise exposure is one of the leading causes of hearing loss in adults. We've known for many years that loud environments endanger the ears, but until recently, we did not know that sound deprivation may also lead to irreversible hearing loss. So if you've been putting off a visit to the audiologist to discuss your hearing loss, why wait any longer? Your procrastination could have permanent consequences.

How Hearing Works

If you have never suffered from auditory issues like tinnitus or hearing loss, it is easy to take your hearing for granted. The hearing process is incredibly complex and relies upon numerous, minuscule parts. When your outer ear picks up a sound, an elaborate operation occurs so that the sound can be translated into information by the brain. Do you know how hearing works?

Hearing Protection Tips for Summer Concerts

Summertime is here, and many of our favorite musical artists will travel the country on big summer tours. For music lovers, there are few things more enjoyable than live music. The unfortunate irony is that attending these concerts and listening to loud music without hearing protection can cause hearing loss or tinnitus hence decreasing your ability to hear and enjoy music in the future.