
Upgrading Hearing Technology

When and why should I consider upgrading my hearing technology? If your hearing has changed and the hearing technology has improved to a point where you can benefit from it, you should consider upgrading hearing technology. Schedule an appointment here for a hearing test to see if your hearing has changed and possibly test-drive new hearing technology to see if it can benefit you.

silent nights coping with holiday stress and tinnitus

Hearing Technology

Hearing technology changes regularly every 3-5 years, which is why that is the average lifespan of optimally performing hearing devices. Insurance companies know this, so we see hearing aid benefits on some insurance policies renewed every three years. The insurance companies understand that technology improves, hearing levels change, and hearing needs change as we age, and we need to accommodate those changes.

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Device Warranties

Device warranties are typically three years. Once patients are out of warranty and the devices start to break, should you invest more in repairing what you have or consider the new, better technology?Six-month extended warranties are $250 per device, and one-year extended warranties are $325 per device.

Features of Improved Hearing Technology

The hearing aid technology is continuously improving in processing speed and hearing in background noise, which is the #1 complaint we get with hearing aid technology.

In complex listening environments, you need more technology to help separate speech from noise. We need things like directional microphone technology and the new deep neural networks (DNN) in these computer chips in the hearing devices that can help predict our needs at cocktail parties or big family gatherings.

AI is starting to be seen more in hearing aid technology. A prevalent form of artificial intelligence present in the majority of hearing technology involves the integration of deep neural networks into the signal classification system of the device.

Polar Plots try to figure out whose speech we want to hear and whose speech we don’t want to hear. Polar plots pertain to the directional characteristics or polar patterns of a microphone, indicating its sensitivity to sound from various directions.

With that being said, a hearing aid doesn’t have a brain, so it will not be perfect, but technology matters, and we are always looking for better technology, not perfect, but better.

upgrading hearing aids

Test-Drive New Technology at Sound Relief

The nice thing about Sound Relief is we allow you to test-drive new technology when it becomes available. Prove to yourself that the new technology is better and will help you more in complex listening environments.

You owe it to yourself to try new technology to see if it can significantly improve your quality of life. Can it help you participate better in groups? Can you go out to eat and enjoy that conversation easier with better hearing technology?

Another benefit of trying new technology with Sound Relief is we do provide loyalty discounts to our existing patients, who receive 10% off all our audiology services and devices.

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At Sound Relief Tinnitus & Hearing Center, we provide hope and help to those living with tinnitus and other hearing health issues. Our patients are at the center of everything we do, and we strive to guide them to overcome their challenges by delivering innovative and compassionate healthcare.

Dr. Julie Prutsman, owner of this family-owned practice, has expanded to 9 locations across Colorado and Arizona. In 2012, she founded Sound Relief in her hometown of Highlands Ranch, Colorado and continues to foster their mission through mentorship of the brightest minds in the field of Audiology.